Well, President Obama's approval rating was sinking fast long about early summer 2013, and the US Congress their approval rating was in the low to mid-teens (cite: International Business Times article "Congress' Approval Rating At All-Time Low, Obama's At Lowest Since 2011," by Condor Adams Sheets, 7-26-2013).

Apparently, folks just don't trust their government anymore and they trust the media about as much too (cite: Gallup Politics Website - June 13, 2013 "Americans' Confidence in Congress Falls to Lowest on Record - Congress ranks last on list of 16 institutions; military earns top spot again," by Elizabeth Mendes and Joy Wilke - Gallup Poll).

You see in July of 2013 all the revelation on the Travon Martin case came to light, showing that the US citizen had been snookered by the media once again (cite: Journalism.org "How Blogs, Twitter and Mainstream Media Have Handled the Trayvon Martin Case," Special Report published March 30, 2012).

Then as all the dust and debris was settling, the Obama Administration found some money in their budget to spend on PR to do a pro-media blitz on ObamaCare (cite: 7-14-2013 Forbes "Health Industry Begins Marketing Blitz To Educate About Obamacare," by Bruce Japsen). Much of this government money and funds were supposed to be used to educate the public in case of things like Birdflu, such as where to get vaccinated or what to do to minimize your chances of getting it, however this money was now being diverted for propaganda because no one wants ObamaCare.

Now, not even the unions who are the major Democrat supporters (cite: 7-12-2013 Washington Times "Electrical workers union jumps aboard anti-Obamacare bus," by Cheryl K Chumley), so apparently the Obama Administration PR machine is in full force hoping to use the media to support their last push forward to implement (cite: USA Today "Jarrett is Eager to Engage Before Showdown" 7-30-2013).

Okay so, I suspect it will be the same game plan as before, namely to send money to the media sources for advertising, and then enjoy the positive stories from, I guess what I would call; insider reporter operatives for the Obama agenda. The real problem is that ObamaCare is a disaster, over-ridden with bureaucracy and cost and it can't even get out of its own way (cite: Wall Street Journal 7-20-2013 editorial by Howard Dean "Affordable Care Act's Rate Setting Mandate" and 7-7-2013 "ObamaCare Liar Subsidies," and Investor's Business Daily "Detroit Shows How ObamaCare Will Bankrupt the Country," 7-29-2013.)

Meanwhile, people's health insurance costs have doubled, some tripled - putting a huge wrench in the family budgets of the middle class (cite: Washington Post "Obamacare Spin 101: How to make premiums seem really cheap - or insanely expensive," by Sarah Kliff, 7-29-2013). Not only that, but Kaiser Permanente has raised rates substantially very recently stating that these new rates will better reflect the marketplace. Yes, true, the prices have been going up for everyone else, just ask anyone like me with BlueCross BlueShield Athem

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