Gravity has always proven a serious problem for my brain. I am 100% sure that the phenomena does exist. Throw any object you like up into the air or drop anything off of a mountain or a building and it will drop down. What goes up truly must come down! I am also 100% sure I am not alone in my belief in gravity, or; at least I hope that statement is true. So, this belief in Gravity will serve as the platform for my hypothesis. We know it exists, it is the "What" it is that is the sticking point for the scientific community. I am aware of the popular hypothesis of the existence of a Graviton. I cannot say that the Graviton does not exist, although I do not personally believe in its existence myself. I say this because, I have a difficult time conceiving of a particle interacting with matter, in such a way that it attracts one object to another. The notion that this particle somehow emanates from one body of matter, interacts with a near by body of matter; and then somehow manages to induce the gravitational effect simply does not sit well with me. That does not mean that there is not a suitable explanation for gravity. A "smoking gun" so to speak. I believe the smoking gun tis a force that we are already familiar with and that Gravity is only a perceived effect of this known force. The force I speak of is Magnetism.

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